First of all, many thanks for your work on the website, well structured and full of memories. My intention is to try to get to the reunion next year, mobility and NHS permitting - Covoid is another layer to be considered. I had to cancel my 80th birthday celebration this year, which means I am staying 79 for another year. Here's a few words of my memories of my year at Shinfield.
I came to Shinfield in January 1967, still yearning to go back to Singapore, which I had left 6 months earlier. Fortunately, my final year of service holds only good memories of a good office, under John Morris, with a rather aloof C Stats O, Mr Graham Rodgers - the typical WWII ex-Bomber pilot, in his white XK150. The office always seemed relaxed , and full of wit, and fun, thanks to a few natural wiseacres. I remember a Wren entering the office one day exclaiming "i've got the Admiral's Burberry". The office recoiled, crying out "Oh my God. It's not catching is it?". Typical of the spirit of the place, but the poor girl didn't know what was going on.
Probably, my enduring memory is of a beautiful summer, lounging around the NAAFI listening to Scott Mackenzie, the Bee Gees, the Beatles etc. A great summer of good weather, bonhommie and great music. A final benefit was the proximity of Shinfield to Londonor jazz and theatres. A good summer for idle perving too.
Then, my application to purchase my discharge was approved, thanks, I think, to the darker sides of military life. I left on 28th February, but stopped shaving on the 26th having been in civvies for a couple of days. All in all, a good place to be for my final year.
I hope thats of some use Andre. I could go on talking about what ab initio, MHC etc meant, but that's probably too much detail. The important thing is that I still treasure the days with you, Johns South and Lund, Ray, Vid, Bill Kearney, Pauline et al. I'm hoping to see you next year.